WCPH2020 Congress Management Committee
The three organising partners of the 16th World Congress on Public Health established a Congress Management Committee (CMC) consisting of senior representatives of WFPHA, SItI, EUPHA, and a representative of the PCO (Triumph Group, Italy) as observer. Selected experts as deemed appropriate by the CMC were invited at times to attend CMC meetings as observers.
The tasks of the CMC were as follows:
- Full managerial and financial management responsibility for the Congress.
- Contract, through the PCO, the conference venue and all other suppliers of goods and services.
- Report on a regular basis to the Executive and Governing bodies of WFPHA, SItI and EUPHA on progress in planning and organization.
- In consultation with the International Congress Council (ICC), solicit nominations for and select the Leavell and Public Health Excellence awardees as well as the Lifetime Achievement and Organizational Excellence Awardees.
Congress Management Committee
Walter Ricciardi - Co-chair of the 16th World Congress on Public Health, SItI
Carlo Signorelli - Co-chair of the 16th World Congress on Public Health, SItI
Michael Moore - Immediate Past President WFPHA
Marta Lomazzi - Executive Manager WFPHA
Natasha Azzopardi Muscat - President EUPHA
Dineke Zeegers Paget - Executive Director EUPHA
Representative - Triumph Group, Italy