FAQs abstract submission
Will I be able to present virtually at the Conference?
No, the Helsinki 2025 Conference will be in-person only.
Is abstract submission open to non-governmental organizations as well?
Yes, abstract submission is open to non-governmental organizations.
I have lost my login/password and tried to reset it, but I haven’t received any email from you.
The email with the link to reset the password may end up in your spam folder or be blocked by your email server. Please check these before contacting us.
Can I submit more than one abstract?
Yes, you may. There is no limit to the number of submitted abstracts. However, there is a limit of three abstracts per presenter.
If I chose the poster presentation as my first option, why couldn’t I choose oral presentation as my second option?
Presentation options are hierarchical (oral > pitch > poster > withdraw). If you choose oral as your first option, your second choice may be pitch, poster, or withdraw. However, if your first choice is poster, the only second option available is withdraw.
I want to submit an abstract with work that has already been published elsewhere. Is this acceptable?
No, abstracts must contain original material that has neither been published nor presented elsewhere prior to the Conference. Encore abstracts are not permitted.
Will you extend the submission deadline?
Unfortunately, we cannot extend the deadline. The submission period runs from 1 February to 1 May each year. Due to the review process, we do not make exceptions. If you miss the deadline, please consider submitting your work for the next EPH Conference.
Will you accept late-breaker or delayed abstracts?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept late-breaker abstracts. Due to the review process, no exceptions are possible. Please submit your work for the next EPH Conference.
Is the 200-character limit for the main message part of the 2,000-character abstract limit?
No, the main message field has a limit of 200 characters, which is separate from the 2,000-character limit for the abstract field.
I cannot proceed with submitting an abstract because the system requires an affiliation number.
The affiliation number corresponds to the affiliations you add below the author. You may add up to three affiliations per author, and the affiliation number will range from 1 to 3.
The presenter for my abstract is under 30 years old, but I forgot to indicate this. Can I change it?
Yes, you can update your abstract until 1 May.
Is an expedited review of an abstract possible?
No, all abstracts are reviewed after the submission closes on 1 May. Abstracts are scored by the International Scientific Committee, and acceptance is based on the average score. Decisions cannot be made earlier.
I haven’t received confirmation after submitting my abstract.
First, check your spam folder. Submitted abstracts are also visible in your account. If you didn’t receive a confirmation email and the abstract isn’t in your account, your submission failed.
Can you confirm that my abstract was successfully submitted?
You can check your submitted abstracts by logging into your account.
When will I be notified about the results?
You will be notified of abstract acceptance by 10 June. The scores will be available in the abstract submission system, and you will need to log in to view your results.