Instructions for workshops
Please read carefully the instructions before you proceed with the submission of your abstract (available at the bottom of this page).
1. General guidelines
All workshop proposals should be submitted electronically through the abstract submission system.
The deadline for submission of workshop proposals is 1 May 2024, 18:00 CET. Proposals received after closing of the abstract system will not be accepted.
- Before you submit, please check with your chairs, speakers and presenters if they have an account in our database and if so, with which email address. Inform them about their role in the workshop.
- The organiser of the workshop proposal agrees that, if the proposal is accepted, the abstract is published in the electronic version of the Abstract Supplement of the European Journal of Public Health.
- The organiser of the workshop proposal is responsible for ensuring that all co-organisers and presenters have agreed to be participating in the workshop, if accepted.
- The organiser confirms that, if the workshop proposal is accepted, the organiser, co-organisers, chairs and presenters will attend the EPH Conference. To confirm their attendance, they all have to register for the conference by 15 July 2024. If they have not registered by that date the workshop will be removed from the conference programme and Abstract Supplement.
This year, the EPH Conference does not allow abstract submissions exclusively from Institutions in the Russian Federation and/or Belarus. However collaborative research may be submitted and (if accepted) presented by co-authors from other countries.
Please make sure that the presenters in your workshop DO NOT submit their workshop presentation as a single abstract as well.
2. Conference topics
In order to have a better understanding on the contents of your workshop, we kindly ask you to choose two topics.
The choices are:
- Public health innovation and transformation
- Digital health and Artificial Intelligence
- Global health and One Health
- Achieving universal health coverage: reducing health inequity
- Chronic diseases and NCDs
- Climate change / Urban health
- Environment and health / Planetary Health
- Epidemiology
- Ethics and Law
- Food, nutrition and diet
- Health assessments: impact, technology
- Health care services and systems
- Health literacy
- Health promotion
- Health workforce, education and training
- Infectious diseases control
- Injury prevention / Public health genomics
- Maternal, child and adolescent public health
- Migrant and ethnic minority health
- Public health economics
- Public health monitoring, reporting and foresight
- Public health policy and politics
- Public mental health
- Sexual and gender minority health
- Social security, work and health
- Other public health issues
Please note: we do not allow abstracts from research that received funding by tobacco industry, arms manufacturers, alcohol industry or from partners and commercial contributors whose activities are incompatible with broader public health objectives (Code of Good Practice EPH Conference Foundation).
3. Workshop type
Workshops aim to increase the capacity and knowledge of delegates around the latest scientific research, relevant policies or innovative programmes to implement and advocate for better public health and health systems in their countries. The focus is on transferring knowledge through intensive interaction with the audience. Workshops are 60 minutes in length.
Organisers should indicate the workshop type. The following possibilities are available:
- Scientific session: 60-minute sessions with up to 5 presentations with ample time for audience interaction.
- Skills building seminar: 60-minute sessions, specifically organised to build the capacity and knowledge of conference delegates. Usually with 1-2 presentations and longer time for skills development and collaborative learning.
- Round table: 60-minute sessions with 3-5 panel discussants. They can each make a short presentation of a specific subject, which will be discussed between the panel members and audience.
- Practice sessions: 60-minute session by (up to 5) practitioners presenting proven and replicable methods and approaches to transformative change in public health, with ample time for audience interaction.
You may submit up to 5 presentations/panellists in a workshop.
4. Guidelines for workshop submitters
All workshop proposals must be submitted and, if accepted, must be presented in English.
Graphics or tables cannot be accepted because of production limitations.
Workshop titles should be in sentence case with a capital for the first letter of the first word. Do not use capital letters only and avoid using abbreviations or acronyms. Give geographic location and dates if applicable.
Indicate the organiser of the workshop. This can be a department, NGO or EUPHA section. Do not add names of individual organisers.
Indicate the chairperson(s) for the workshop. Enter the full first name before the last name, indicate affiliation, country and email address.
If an abstract has more than one author, please make sure you list all the authors (including the presenting author) for each abstract.
Please note, your abstract will not be edited. You are responsible for any spelling, grammatical and typographical errors.
Amendments: changes to the abstract are possible until 1 May by re-entering the abstract in your profile.
Workshop proposal
Proposals of all types and in all topics should be structured as follows:
- Abstract: explain the reasons for the workshop and the objectives of the workshop. What is the added value of organising the workshop? What is the coherence between the presentations in relation to the topic of the workshop? Describe the format of the workshop. Maximum number of characters (including spaces): 3,000.
- Main messages: two short (200 characters maximum) messages which summarise the main impact of the proposed workshop.
- Number of Presentations/Panellists: Depending on the workshop type you are submitting (see above for more information), select the number of presentations and/or panellists that will be included in the workshop. The maximum number is 5 in total.
- Presentation type: you have a choice of two:
- Regular: a presentation followed by a discussion. You have to submit a full abstract. The maximum amount of characters per presentation is 2,000 (including spaces).
- Panel: you can add an individual panellist. Please note that the panelists should not be included in the workshop abstract, but listed separately. Fill in the email address (and the panellist's details if necessary).
5. Evaluation procedure
All submitted proposals will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee (ISC). Each proposal will be reviewed by 3 to 4 reviewers and scored on the basis of the following criteria:
- Does the proposal follow the guidelines?
- Is the subject matter appropriate for the Congress?
- Are the workshop objectives clearly stated?
- Can the objectives be achieved in the 60 minutes allotted for this workshop?
- Is the information new enough and innovative?
- Is the overall quality of the proposal sufficient?
- Is there an audience interactive element in the workshop?
- Does the information have relevance for the rest of the Europe?
6. Notification
The organiser, chair and presenters will be notified of the acceptance of their proposal(s) by 10 June 2024, and the score will be added in the abstract submission system. This means you will have to log in to find out the decision on your abstract.
Amendments to the abstract are possible until 1 May by re-entering the database. Between 1 May and 10 June, the abstracts are being reviewed by the ISC and cannot be amended. Accepted abstracts can be corrected from 10 June until 15 July. After 15 July corrections are no longer possible.
Further instructions for authors whose abstracts are accepted will be posted on the website.
7. Changes in presenting author
In case presenters/panellists are unable to attend the EPH Conference, a substitute presenter may take his/her place.