Pre-conference programme EPH Conference 2024

We are excited to announce an interesting programme of pre-conferences on Monday and Tuesday 11 and 12 November. If you would like to attend a pre-conference, registration is required. Pre-conferences can be booked when registering for the main conference. If you are already registered you can add a pre-conference to your registration by sending an email with your preferred pre-conference to You will receive an adjusted invoice by email.

Pre-conferences are offered with lunch (grab-and-go lunch boxes) as moments for networking and getting together. Lunch is between 12:30 – 13:30 Lisbon time. All pre-conferences are held at the Lisbon Congress Center (CCL) unless otherwise indicated.

Monday 11 - Tuesday 12 November, 09:00 - 17:00 (Lisbon time)

Conferência de Saúde Pública da Lusofonia
Organised by Portuguese Association for Public Health (APPSP), National Association of Public Health Doctors (ANMSP) and European Public Health (EPH) Conference


Tuesday 12 November, 09:00 - 12:30 (followed by network lunch at 12:30 Lisbon time)

Implement and prevent: cancer prevention across the life course (IPCP)
Organised by Cancer Prevention Europe (CPE) 

Empowering change: advocacy strategies and tools for early career professionals (EMPO)
Organised by EuroNet MRPH and EUPHAnxt

Bridging health literacy and health data: towards a competency framework to navigate the European Health Data Space (BHLI) 
Organised by EUPHA Health literacy and EUPHA Public health monitoring and reporting sections. Co-organizers: Technical University Munich, Germany, Sciensano, Belgium, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Literacy 

Unlocking international health insights: discoveries from The Commonwealth Fund Surveys (COMM)
Organised by The Commonwealth Fund 

Economic evaluation of public health interventions: a step-by-step approach (ECON)
Organised by EUPHA Public health economics section, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Portuguese Health Economics Association (APES) 

Developing curricula that empower the public health workforce to lead digital transformations in health (DECU)
Organised by EUPHA Digital health section, ASPHER DGPH 

Applying strategic foresight methods in public health and policy making (FORE) - FULLY BOOKED!
Organised by EUPHA Foresight section


Tuesday 12 November, 09:00 - 17:00 (full day, including network lunch from 12:30 to 13:30 Lisbon time)

Navigating the digital tide: preparing public health for the AI Revolution (DIGI)
Organised by EUPHA Digital health section 

From insight to impact: advancing equitable vaccination across Europe (VACC)
Organised by RISE-Vac, RIVER-EU, AcToVax4NAM

Bridging gaps in health monitoring: innovative approaches to obtain data from hard-to-reach populations (PHMR)
Organised by EUPHA Sections on Public health monitoring and reporting, Migrant and ethnic minority health, Public health policy and politics, Sexual and gender minority health

Establishing the effectiveness of complex health promotion interventions: shining light on alternatives (HPRO)
Organised by EUPHA Health promotion section 

Introductory training on behavioural and cultural insights for better health (BCI) - FULLY BOOKED
Organised by Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Behavioural Unit, Netherlands and WHO Regional Office for Europe, Behavioural and Cultural Insights Unit

Methods and analyses in social security, work and health research: from mixed methods to citizen science (SSWH)
Organised by EUPHA Social security, work and health section

Involving vulnerable groups in public health research and practice (CAPH)
Organised by EUPHA Sectons on Child and adolescent public health, Sexual and gender minority health and Migrant and ethnic minority health

Revamping prevention, preparedness and response plans – translating evidence to impactful implementation (PREV)
Organised by European Commission, Directorate General Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), Health Security Unit 
By invitation only

Tuesday 12 November, 13:30 - 17:00 (starting with network lunch at 12:30 Lisbon time)

Exploring the European Health Data Space: a journey guided by the HealthData@EU Pilot project (EHDS) 
Organised by HealthData@EU pilot 

Best practices in EU-wide projects contributing to achieving the objectives of EU Health policies (NFP4) 
Organised by European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and Joint Action on increasing the capacity of National Focal Points (NFPs) – NFP4Health

Using Systems Thinking to enhance knowledge dissemination and promote healthy behaviour (IARC)
Organised by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO) 

School health literacy: from evidence to policy to practice (SCHO)
Organised by EUPHA Health literacy and EUPHA Child and adolescent public health sections. Co-organisers: Technical University of Munich, University of Applied Sciences Fulda, and WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Literacy at TU Munich, Germany, University of Minho, Portugal, Imperial College London, and London South Bank University, United Kingdom 

From lessons learned to innovative methods – strengthening the exchange of syndromic surveillance systems globally (SSSG)
Organised by Robert Koch-Institut, Germany 

Scenario-based workshop Pandemic Preparedness. An interdisciplinary approach to scientific advice during pandemic outbreaks (PAND)
Organised by Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness Center, Erasmus MC, Netherlands 

Boosting research impact: essential manuscript writing skills for emerging public health scientists (WRIT)
Organised by EUPHA Public health epidemiology, Chronic disease, Public health economics sections, and EUPHAnxt 

Young Researchers’ Forum (YRF)
Organised by ASPHER and EUPHA

Future health scenarios in the European Union and the United States (FUHS)
Organised by Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Portugal
This pre-conference is held outside the CCL. Registration opens soon.

Art, architecture, atmosphere and (mental) health. A multi-disciplinary walking experience in Lisbon (WALK) - FULLY BOOKED
Organised by EUPHA Urban public health, Public mental health, Urban public health and Environment and health sections
This pre-conference is held outside the CCL.