EPH Conference International Scientific Committee
Internal Rules
Members of the ISC should have at least PhD or 10 years experience in their specific field of public health. They are:
- key experts in specific public health fields,
- representatives nominated by the Local Support Committee (LSC) of the conference host country,
- representatives from the EUPHA Sections (presidents, vice-presidents, members of the Steering Committees),
- volunteers nominated by the EUPHA Sections,
- volunteers nominated by EUPHA members and partner organisations.
Members of the ISC can be approached by the EPH Conference or nominated only. Before being included as ISC member, a short bio might be required.
Members of the ISC review single and workshop abstracts submitted each year for the EPH Conference. Workshop abstracts are reviewed by:
- Chair of the EPH Conference (past, present and future),
- Chair of the ISC (past, present and future),
- EUPHA Section presidents,
- experienced ISC members (having reviewed abstracts for at least 3 years).
Members of the ISC:
- are recognized in the Abstract Supplement of the EJPH,
- are recognized at the EPH Conference website,
- work voluntarily. Do not receive waivers for the EPH Conference or its social programme,
- will be provided with a confirmation certificate on request,
- will lose their membership if they do not score abstracts actively.