Plenary 5: Safeguarding health together: preparing the European Union's health priorities

Saturday 11 November, 10:30 – 11:30 Dublin time (UTC)

Organisers: European Commission, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies 



The European Commission has launched a public debate on the health priorities of the European Union in partnership with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. The recent crises have underlined the necessity for more investment and cooperation in health. But what should be the priorities? Where can the EU support Member States most effectively?

This Plenary session will present first inputs garnered during interactive events (including an earlier workshop held at the EPH Conference) and stimulate further exchanges to inform the health policy priorities at European level. The plenary is one of a series of public events designed to gather perspectives, generate ideas, and share experiences. We will present first insights coming from the debate will digging deep into key priority topics, including addressing the determinants of health, enhancing health security, supporting the digitalization and transformation of health systems, strengthening health systems, and addressing critical challenges such as climate change and population ageing.

As the European elections and a new mandate draw closer, these debates seek to generate and explore new ideas on how the EU can continue to support European health systems and contribute towards safeguarding health moving forward.


  • Josep Figueras, Director European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies


  • Isabel de la Mata, Principal Adviser for Health and Crisis Management, Health and Food Safety Directorate General, European Commission
  • Martin McKee, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
  • Matthias Wismar, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies