Pre-conference: Methods and analyses in social security, work and health research: from mixed methods to citizen science

Tuesday 12 November, 9:00 – 17:00 Lisbon time (including network lunch)

Organised by

EUPHA Social securty, work and health section


This pre-conference focuses on methods and different approaches to analyses within the research field of Social Security, Work and Health (SSWH). 

In the morning, we will focus on the use of Mixed Methods studies. To learn more about Mixed Methods, we will start with addressing the why – why choosing a mixed methods design to answer research questions in SSHW, followed by an overview of different Mixed Methods approaches. Experiences with Mixed Methods studies from design to publication will be shared and discussed. In the afternoon, we will discuss the potential of Citizen Science and related participatory research approaches for the field of Social Security, Work and Health. To explore the potential of Citizen Science, we will start with a presentation providing an overview of different forms of Citizen Science and related approaches, advantages and challenges, followed by small group discussions in which participants are invited to discuss potential of CS for their own research, how it could be applied and what challenges need to be overcome.

Presenters and moderators:

  • Alexandra Sikora, Federal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Berlin, Germany
  • Agnes Meershoek, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
  • Emilie Friberg, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden
  • Ute Bültmann, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands


  Mixed Methods research in the field of Social Security, Work and Health
9.00-9.30 Welcome and Introduction to Mixed Methods research, incl. overview of different Mixed Method approaches
9.30-10.00 Small group discussion: experiences with Mixed Methods research; why / why not conducting mixed methods research?
10.00-10.30 Designing and conducting a mixed methods study on return to work with common mental disorders in Germany, including contextual information on the German mental healthcare system
10.30-11.00 Coffee/tea break
11.00-11.30 Reflections on findings and what did we learn - from design to publication
11.30-12.00 Small group discussion: research ideas and research questions for mixed methods studies in participants’ own field of expertise
12.00-12.30  Questions and discussion 
12.30-13.30 Lunch break 
  Citizen Science in the field of Social Security, Work and Health
13.30-14.15 Citizen Science and related approaches: the what & how, potential and challenges

Presentation of examples in the field of Social Security, Work and Health

1. A participatory approach to work place health promotion: an example from the Netherlands
15.00-15.30 Coffee/tea break
15.30-16.30 Small group discussions on potential and challenges to apply citizen science in your own research program
16.30-17.00 Report conclusions of small group discussions and wrap-up
  Joint dinner (not included)


The registration fee is EUR 150. Networking lunch and refreshments are included.