Suszy Lessof
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Suszy Lessof is Coordinator of the Observatory and based in Brussels. She works with the Observatory team and the Steering Committee to ensure the Observatory’s work plan focuses on policy priorities and adds value. Her role includes liaising with colleagues, partners and key stakeholders to align the Observatory’s work with what others (in Member States, the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Commission), are doing in the area of health systems and policies.
Suszy has oversight of the country monitoring function with its HiT series, the State of Health in the EU profiles, the Health Systems and Policies Monitor (HSPM) and is supporting developments on monitoring COVID (HSRM) and to extend the reach of the Observatory’s health systems review.
She is also part of developing and strengthening knowledge brokering, capturing the tacit knowledge built up over time in guidance and process on how to share evidence and strengthening Observatory practice.