Simone George
Human rights lawyer and activist, Ireland
Simone George is a human rights lawyer and activist. As a human rights lawyer, she represents women who are experiencing abuse and is presently researching why those in our systems do not adequately serve justice. She co-authored the report ‘The Lawlessness of the Home’ with an Irish NGO. finding that we are all responsible for women and children’s right to bodily integrity and to liberty. She co-created a summit in 2016 on women and children’s rights, gathering the world’s foremost thinkers and activists together in Dublin. This work led to significant amendments to legislation and a new landscape of social and political justice in Ireland.
She gave a TED talk with her partner, blind and paralyzed adventure athlete Mark Pollock, at the TED Conference in Vancouver. She is a director on the board of the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, a masters graduate from The College of Europe, Bruges, and holds a diploma from Harvard.