Lucinda Hiam
Lucinda Hiam is an NHS General Practitioner, and works for NGOs both at home and abroad. In the past year, she has worked for Médecins Sans Frontières in Uganda and in the Middle East, providing healthcare for Syrian refugees. She is part of the Primary Care International clinical team, working to strengthen family medicine worldwide. In the UK, she is a GP Champion for Doctors of the World, where she volunteers as a clinic doctor for those unable to access healthcare, such as undocumented migrants, and previously was their health advisor. She is passionate about advocating for access to healthcare, and for DOTW’s ‘stop sharing’ campaign gave evidence to the UK Parliamentary health and social care select committee. Academically, Lucinda Hiam holds an honorary research fellow position at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and is undertaking a part-time DPhil at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include overcoming barriers migrants face when accessing healthcare, and the impacts of austerity on health outcomes in the UK.