EPH Conference Blog post
Webinar Sailing to Lisbon 2024
Theme of the conference - Floris Barnhoorn - 17 Jan 2024 12:00 CET
The webinar on health inequalities, scheduled for Monday 22 January, has been postponed. A new date will be announced shortly.
Moderator: João Paulo Magalhães, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Speakers: tbc
This webinar about health inequalities will focus on the drivers for policy action at the European level for all population groups, taking into account three main perspectives. First, the conceptualization of the upstream determinants of health, in particular the social and commercial determinants, as fundamental drivers of health inequalities, beyond an individual capacity to make the necessary changes. Second, the role of multilateralism in improving the policy-making environment to consider health in all policies, beyond the traditional health sector, and the role played by the World Health Organization as a leading agency. And third, based on the evidence already available and empirical considerations for both supranational and upstream determinants of health, what are the urgent policy actions and how these align with the future European Union priorities. The discussion intends to pick up on what it is already known about health inequalities and go further in terms of the array of determinants affecting these and how action must continue to be a priority and taken at higher levels of governance.
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