EPH Conference Blog post

Update Plenary programme

  Plenary programme - Floris Barnhoorn - 13 Sep 2023 12:00 CET

Update Plenary programme #EPH2023. Building the future One Health workforce. Fri 10 Nov. 10:30-11:30. What are the skills required by new graduates seeking work in the public health and health care fields in the 21st century? Skills that will help them address the issues of global and planetary ill health, environmental degradation, increasing inequalities in health, disinformation, using the new tools of the digital revolution, new philosophies of care like ‘One Health’, and new ethical references. The plenary, organised by ASPHER and EHMA will seek to answer some of these questions using a mix of youth and experience, and hearing from work in progress defining the public health and healthcare skills our societies need. With Mary Codd, UCD, Ireland; George Valiotis, EHMA; Lucy Nugent, EHAM and Tallaght University Hospital Dublin, Ireland; Patrick Wall, UCD, Ireland; Monica Brînzac, EUPHAnxt coordinator; Milka Sokolovic, EPHA; and Victoria Stanford, Specialty Registrar in Public Health, Shropshire, UK. Moderated by Todorka Kostadinova, EHMA Board of Directors; and Henrique Barros, Vice-President ASPHER


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