Abstract tutoring programme
In collaboration with EUPHAnxt we provide an abstract tutoring programme offering an opportunity for young and/or less experienced abstract submitters to receive feedback from experienced reviewers. The programme is especially targeted at researchers who have limited access to colleagues to ask for guidance and comments on their proposed abstracts.
The programme is completely independent of the abstract review and selection process. Experienced reviewers from the International Scientific Committee and EUPHA Sections will act as tutors.
Tutors will provide one-time, anonymous feedback on the writing and format of an abstract. They are not asked to provide technical support on research methods, analysis, or the report of results. They do not correct spelling and grammar.
General rules:
- The tutoring process is anonymous in that the author and tutor will not know who the other is.
- The draft abstract sent to the tutor must follow the abstract submission guidelines.
- The abstract author is allowed to send only one abstract for tutoring.
- Each abstract is allowed only one round of tutoring support.
- The administrator of the tutoring programme will return draft abstracts to the author if they do not follow the submission guidelines without tutoring.
- Tutors will help the abstract authors by reviewing the writing and format. They are not asked to provide technical support on research methods, analysis, or the report of results.
- Tutors will not make suggestions via track changes and/or comments.
- Tutors cannot indicate if they think that the abstract is likely to be selected or not.
- Abstract authors soliciting Tutoring assistance are requested not to submit the abstract via the online system before receiving the feedback from the tutors.
- Programme administration is done by EPH Conference Office.
Abstract tutoring programme steps for abstract submitters:
- Abstract tutoring programme is open 1 February - 9 April. Applications sent outside this period will not be considered.
- Prepare a draft abstract in accordance with the Instructions for single abstracts.
- Indicate 2 topics of your abstract (list available under “Submission topics”).
- Send your anonymous draft abstract as a Word document for tutoring to: abstract@ephconference.eu with topic “Abstract tutoring programme”
- Tutors will send their feedback within two weeks.
- Deadline to send your abstract for tutoring is: 9 April at 12:00 (noon) CET.
- Deadline for online abstract submission is 1 May at 18:00 CET .