Abbreviations workshop organisers EPH Conference 2024


Aarhus DPH Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, Denmark
Aarhus SSS School of Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark
Aletta Jacobs SPH Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, Netherlands
Aletta Jacobs SPH/HCHL Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, Netherlands/Groningen Centre for Health Law
ASPHER Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region
AUB/HPCH department American University of Beirut, Health Promotion and Community Health Department, Lebanon
Bielefeld Uni AG 2 Bielefeld University, Dep of Population Medicine and Health Services Research, Germany
Bielefeld Uni SPH Bielefeld University, School of Public Health, Germany
Bremen Uni University of Bremen, Germany
CEPPAR Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein Center for Studies, Research and Practice in PHC
Chair PH and HSR/IBE/LMU Munich Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research, Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany
Circle U. EUA Circle U. European University Alliance
Copenhagen Uni DPH University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health, Denmark
CUNY SPH Center for Systems and Community Design, City University of New York, USA
Deakin Uni IHT Institute for Health Transformation, Deakin University, Australia
DiPH Taskforce Digital Public Health Taskforce
EBoDN The European Burden of Disease Network
EC European Commission
EC DG Sante European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
EC HaDEA European Commission European Health and Digital Executive Agency
EC JRC European Commission Joint Research Centre
ECDC EPIET/EUPHEM European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Fellowship Programme, Field Epidemiology path and Fellowship Programme public health microbiology
EEA European Environment Agency
EHMA European Health Management Association
EMC Netherlands Erasmus Medical Centre, Netherlands
EMCDDA European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
EPH Conference European Public Health Conference
EPIET ECDC Fellowship Programme, Field Epidemiology path
Erasmus UMC DPH Erasmus UMC Netherlands Department of Public Health, Netherlands
ESTeSL IPL Lisbon School of Health Technology
EU EG on HSPA Europan Union Expert Group on Health Systems Performance Assessment
EUDA European Union Drug Agency
EUPHA European Public Health Association
EUPHA-CAPH EUPHA Child and adolescent public health section
EUPHA-CHR EUPHA Chronic diseases section
EUPHA-DH EUPHA Digital health section
EUPHA-ECO EUPHA Public health economics section
EUPHA-ENV EUPHA Environment and health section
EUPHA-EPI EUPHA Public health epidemiology section
EUPHA-ETH EUPHA Ethics in public health section
EUPHA-FN EUPHA Food and nutrition section
EUPHA-FS EUPHA Foresight section
EUPHA-GH EUPHA Global health section
EUPHA-HA EUPHA Healthy ageing section
EUPHA-HIA EUPHA Health impact assessment section
EUPHA-HL EUPHA Health Literacy section
EUPHA-HP EUPHA Health promotion section
EUPHA-HSR EUPHA Health services research section
EUPHA-HTA EUPHA Health technology assessment section
EUPHA-HCW EUPHA Health and care workforce section
EUPHA-IDC EUPHA Infectious diseases control section
EUPHA-INJ EUPHA Injury prevention and safety promotion section
EUPHA-LAW EUPHA Law and public health section
EUPHA-MIG EUPHA Migrant and ethnic minority health section
EUPHAnxt EUPHA next generation network
EUPHA-OH EUPHA Oral health section
EUPHA-PHG EUPHA Public health genomics section
EUPHA-PHMR EUPHA Public health monitoring and reporting section
EUPHA-PHPP EUPHA Public health policy and politics section
EUPHA-PMH EUPHA Public mental health section
EUPHA-SGMHon EUPHA Sexual and gender minority health section
EUPHA-SSWH EUPHA Social security, work and health section
EUPHA-URB EUPHA Urban public health section
EUPHA-WGGE EUPHA Working group on Gender Equality and Women empowerment
EUPHEM ECDC Fellowship Programme public health microbiology
EuroSafe/IDB network European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion/ European Injury Data Network
FCNAUP Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences - University of Porto, Portugal
FPH Faculty of Public Health, United Kingdom
Freiburg Uni IS Institute for Sociology, University of Freiburg, Germany
Fribourg Uni Fribourg University Switzerland
G-CAN Global Commercial Determinants of Health Action Network
GCCHE Global Consortium for Climate and Health Education
GCHL Groningen Centre for Health Law, Netherlands
GHL Academy Global Health Literacy Academy
GHTM / IHMT Global Health and Tropical Medicine, Associate Laboratory in Translation and innovation Towards Global Health, Portugal
GNAPH Global Network for Academic Public Health
GNAPH Global Network for Academic Public Health
GÖG Austrian National Public Health Institute, Austria
Health CASCADE Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN Health CASCADE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
Holbaek Hospital OSM Department of Occupational- and Social Medicine, Holbaek Hospital, Denmark 
HP Int Health Promotion International
ICC M-POHL International Coordination Center of M-POHL at the Austrian National Public Health Institute
INPHET International Network on Public Health and Environment Tracking
IPC of Coimbra Polytechnical Institute of Coimbra, Portugal
ISCIII National Institute of Health Carlos III, Spain
ISPUP Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto, Portugal
ISS Italian National Health Institute
IST Instituto Superior Técnico, Italy
IUHPE WG on HL International Union for Health Promotion and Working Group on Health Literacy Education 
JA ImpleMENTAL Joint Action Implementation of Best Practices in the area of Mental Health
JA PreventNCD Joint Action Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases
JA PreventNCD Joint Action Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases and Cancer
KCL King's College London, United Kingdom
KCL PI Policy Institute at King's College London, United Kingdom
Lancet MERH Lancet Migration European Regional Hub
LSBU London South Banks University, United Kingdom
LSC DiPH Leibniz ScienceCampus Digital Public Health, Bremen, Germany 
LSHTM HPRU ECH National Institute for Health and Care Research, Health Protection Research Unit in Environmental Change and Health
MediPIET Mediterranean and Black Sea Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training
MIE Manchester Institute of Education, Manchester, United Kingdom
NEAR The National E-Infrastructure for Aging Research
NIJZ National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia
NIPH CAHPS Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Department of Child and Adolescent Health Promotion Service, Norway
NIVEL Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, Netherlands
NOVA National School of Public Health, Portugal
NSPH Portugal National School of Public Health, Portugal
Observatory European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Pavia Uni SPH School of Public Health, University of Pavia, Italy
PHELN Public Health, Ethics and Law Research Network
PNHC Portuguese National Health Council
RIVER-EU Reducing Inequalities in Vaccine uptake in the European Region – Engaging Underserved communities
RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands
RKI Robert Koch Institute, Germany
SDCS Steno Diabetes Center Sjælland, Denmakr
SItI WGCMH Working group of Community Mental Health of the Italian Society of Hygiene and   Preventive medicine
SPAC Social Physics and Complexity Lab
SSM Finland Society for Social Medicine, Finland
TCDhpm Trinity College Dublin, Centre for Health Policy and Management, Ireland
THCS European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems
Thessaly Uni University of Thessaly, Greece
THL Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland
TU Berlin Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
TUM WHOCC for HL Technical University of Munich, WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Literacy, Germany
UCLouvain Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
UKHSA UK Health Security Agency
Uni of Glasgow SPHSU Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Uni Pisa Dep RNTMS University of Pisa, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, Italy
UNICATT Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy
Utrecht Uni University of Utrecht, Netherlands
VU Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Western Univ Canada Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
WHO CCHL Collaborating Centre for Health Literacy
WHO CCHWPP WHO Collaborating Center for Health Workforce Policies and Planning
WHO EURO World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
WHO EURO ECEH WHO Regional Office for Europe, European Centre for Communicable 
WHO M-POHL WHO Action Network on Measuring Population and Organizational Health Literacy
WHO NCDsI WHO Special Initiative on Noncommunicable Diseases and Innovation 
WHO RHN WHO Regions for Health Network
WHOC CEH WHO Centre for Environment and Health 
WHOC CPHC WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care
WHOU WHO Country office in Ukraine
YFG Young Forum Gastein, Austria